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The United Insurance Company provides Takaful (Life) insurance system based on mutual Cooperation, responsibility, assurance, protection and assistance between group of participants.

In Principle Takaful insurance policy cover your needs in different types (Group Takaful, Family Takaful and Group Credit Takaful)

• Death - God forbid- of the life assured from all circumstances
• Physical Permanent Disability of the life assured, as a result of an accident;
It covers physical permanent total disability to mean medically certified total disability which cannot be cured or treated and which prevent the life assured from engaging for income or profit in his own occupation or another occupation..
• Critical Illness of the life assured

It covers critically ill to mean a first positive diagnosis of a critical illness by the company’s approved medical practitioners.
Critical Illness definitions:
• Heart Attack
• Coronary Artery Surgery
• Stroke
• Cancer
• Renal Failure
• Aorta Surgery
• Replacement of Heart Valve
• Paraplegia
• Blindness
• Major Organ Transplant.


Legitimacy of Group Takaful insurance:


The services of Takaful are based on the rules of Islamic law, such as Almighty God says: "Cooperate on righteousness and piety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression" (Al-Maaida/ V2), and the Hadeeth of Prophet Mohamed (Peace & Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him) said: One true Muslim (Mu’min) and another true Muslim are like a building, whereby every part in it strengthens the other part.).


Group Takaful insurance policy aim:

The purpose of the policy document is to achieve Takaful among the participants (insured) at the time of death or disability during the period of participation (policy validity), according to the terms of the Policy.


Subscription Terms:

The person selected by the employer to be insured in the Takaful policy Group; shall submit a request to the policy form then provide the Insurer Company with the following information:
• The age of the insured (date of birth).
• Gross of the insured salary.



Legitimacy of Group Credit Takaful insurance:


The services of Takaful are based on the rules of Islamic law, such as Almighty God says: "Cooperate on righteousness and piety, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression" (Al-Maaida/ V2), and the Hadeeth of the Prophet Mohamed (Peace & Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him) said: One true Muslim (Mu’min) and another true Muslim are like a building, whereby every part in it strengthens the other part.).


What is Group Credit Takaful?

A single contribution plan which provides protection to Bank Personal Financing-customers in the event of non-repayment due to death or disability. Generally, the coverage amount reduces according to the financing tenure.


Group Credit Takaful Policy Aim:

  • Protection for the whole tenure of your financing term

  • In the event of death - God forbid- or total & permanent disability, the benefit payout will be used to settle your outstanding financing amount

  • Contribution payable in a single payment. Payment can be either fully or partially financed by Bank under the same financing


Subscription Terms:

The person selected by the employer to be insured in the Takaful policy Group; shall submit a request to a form prepared for this purpose and provide the Insurer Company with the following information:

• The age of the insured (date of birth).
• Gross of the insured salary.
• Initial loan Amount (Nominal).



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